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Human society and culture is a fascinating subject, and our range of Humanities and Social Science used books is growing.

You’ll find history books including Australian History books, World History Books, books about Military and War History, and books about Ancient History books specific to the history of Japan and other countries. Browse our range of Geography books and learn about the places and peoples of the world.

Local History books can also be found particularly Australian and South Australian local history. Local history books can help with investigating family history and genealogy.

Understanding Economics and its history can help us make better choices in the future and learn how we got to where we are now.  Law and Politics is an important part of human society and varies around the world.

Read about the many different cultures of the world and find out about the oldest civilisations and culture. How people lived and how their society functioned.

Browse our range of books about religion and spiritual beliefs. Whether you are a believer or not, it is interesting to read about and have an understanding of other people’s beliefs and the history of where those beliefs came from.  Christianity, Eastern Religions, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, Atheism, Paganism, New Age beliefs, World Indigenous Religions and Beliefs, Historical Religions, and the Occult & Esoteric are all here.

For the thinkers, we have a growing range of philosophy books and for those that seek a deeper understanding of human nature and why we do what we do, our range of psychology books will be of interest.

Please contact us if you have a specific book or subject you are looking for.  We are here to help!