Understanding Aboriginal Culture Cyril Havecker
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Understanding Aboriginal Culture

Author: Cyril Havecker
$22.95 2295
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Book Title
Understanding Aboriginal Culture
Cyril Havecker
Book Condition
GOOD - previous owner's name
Book Format
Cosmos Periodicals
Year Published
Here is a legacy of untold value left by the Dreamtime heroes of the Australian Aboriginal people; a race so ancient it is reputed to be descended from the gods. This is a priceless heritage which belongs to every Australian, black or white. The records left by the Wisemen of the Aborigines tell of the creation myth, how Baiame the Supreme Intelligence of the universe, created all living things and how extrasensory perception was used as a means of gaining knowledge of the past and future. There are laws for living on earth and laws for living in the multi dimensions beyond earth. Theirs is a powerful philosophy, one which has meaning and cannot be changed by time or circumstances. It is a spiritual philosophy which most Australians, until recent years, saw as primitive and of little importance to the world. How wrong we were, for here, in Australia, we have the oldest known people on earth whose philosophy and science served them well for nearly 50,000 years. Cyril Havecker was a blood brother of the Warramunga tribe of Groot Eylandt. His writings, workshops and lectures during the years from 1976 to 1979 were his contribution towards a better understanding of the Australian Aboriginal's ancient culture.

Here is a legacy of untold value left by the Dreamtime heroes of the Australian Aboriginal people; a race so ancient it is reputed to be descended from the gods. This is a priceless heritage which belongs to every Australian, black or white.

The records left by the Wisemen of the Aborigines tell of the creation myth, how Baiame the Supreme Intelligence of the universe, created all living things and how extrasensory perception was used as a means of gaining knowledge of the past and future. There are laws for living on earth and laws for living in the multi dimensions beyond earth.

Theirs is a powerful philosophy, one which has meaning and cannot be changed by time or circumstances. It is a spiritual philosophy which most Australians, until recent years, saw as primitive and of little importance to the world.

How wrong we were, for here, in Australia, we have the oldest known people on earth whose philosophy and science served them well for nearly 50,000 years.

Cyril Havecker was a blood brother of the Warramunga tribe of Groot Eylandt. His writings, workshops and lectures during the years from 1976 to 1979 were his contribution towards a better understanding of the Australian Aboriginal's ancient culture.

Here is a legacy of untold value left by the Dreamtime heroes of the Australian Aboriginal people; a race so ancient it is reputed to be descended from the gods. This is a priceless heritage which belongs to every Australian, black or white.

The records left by the Wisemen of the Aborigines tell of the creation myth, how Baiame the Supreme Intelligence of the universe, created all living things and how extrasensory perception was used as a means of gaining knowledge of the past and future. There are laws for living on earth and laws for living in the multi dimensions beyond earth.

Theirs is a powerful philosophy, one which has meaning and cannot be changed by time or circumstances. It is a spiritual philosophy which most Australians, until recent years, saw as primitive and of little importance to the world.

How wrong we were, for here, in Australia, we have the oldest known people on earth whose philosophy and science served them well for nearly 50,000 years.

Cyril Havecker was a blood brother of the Warramunga tribe of Groot Eylandt. His writings, workshops and lectures during the years from 1976 to 1979 were his contribution towards a better understanding of the Australian Aboriginal's ancient culture.