Religious Icon Book Bundle (Five Books) Various Authors
secondhand book  bundle of religious icons five book spines
secondhand book all the world an icon by tom cheetham front cover
secondhand book all the world an icon by tom cheetham back cover
secondhand book icons by richard temple front cover
secondhand book icons by richard temple back cover
secondhand book the icon through western eyes by russell hart front cover
secondhand book the icon through western eyes by russell hart back cover
secondhand book miraculous images of our lord by joan carroll cruz back cover
secondhand book icons and saints of the eastern orthodox chruch by j paul getty museum  back cover
secondhand book miraculous images of our lord by joan carroll cruz front cover
secondhand book icons and saints of the eastern orthodox chruch by j paul getty museum  front cover

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Religious Icon Book Bundle (Five Books)

Author: Various Authors
$55.00 5500
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Book Title
Religious Icon Book Bundle (Five Books)
Various Authors
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Book Format
Book Bundle
Various (See Description)
Year Published
Various (See Description)
All the World an Icon by Tom Cheetham (Softcover, North Atlantic Books, 2011) Icons and the Mystical Origins of Christianity by Richard Temple (Softcover, Element, 1992) The Icon Through Western Eyes by Russell M Hart (Softcover, Templegate Publishers, 1991) Miraculous Images of Our Lord by Joan Carroll Cruz (Softcover,  TAN Books, 2012) Icons and Saints of the Eastern Orthodox Church edited by Stefano Zuffi (Softcover, The J Paul Getty Museum, 2006)
  1. All the World an Icon by Tom Cheetham (Softcover, North Atlantic Books, 2011)
  2. Icons and the Mystical Origins of Christianity by Richard Temple (Softcover, Element, 1992)
  3. The Icon Through Western Eyes by Russell M Hart (Softcover, Templegate Publishers, 1991)
  4. Miraculous Images of Our Lord by Joan Carroll Cruz (Softcover,  TAN Books, 2012)
  5. Icons and Saints of the Eastern Orthodox Church edited by Stefano Zuffi (Softcover, The J Paul Getty Museum, 2006)
  1. All the World an Icon by Tom Cheetham (Softcover, North Atlantic Books, 2011)
  2. Icons and the Mystical Origins of Christianity by Richard Temple (Softcover, Element, 1992)
  3. The Icon Through Western Eyes by Russell M Hart (Softcover, Templegate Publishers, 1991)
  4. Miraculous Images of Our Lord by Joan Carroll Cruz (Softcover,  TAN Books, 2012)
  5. Icons and Saints of the Eastern Orthodox Church edited by Stefano Zuffi (Softcover, The J Paul Getty Museum, 2006)