Movement Training for the Stage and Screen Jean Sabatine
Movement Training for the Stage and Screen Jean Sabatine front cover used secondhand nonfiction book
Movement Training for the Stage and Screen Jean Sabatine back cover used secondhand nonfiction book

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Movement Training for the Stage and Screen

Author: Jean Sabatine
$10.00 1000
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Book Title
Movement Training for the Stage and Screen
Jean Sabatine
Book Condition
Book Format
Back Stage Books
Year Published
Actors understand the importance of training the body to attain good breath control, movement, and agility. They must also develop the ability to express emotions when portraying characters. Less well understood, however, is the vital awareness of mind, spirit, and body that must be developed and explored in an actor's education. Movement Training for the Stage and Screen incorporates these aspects of an actor's training in a systematic course of study - in fact, the only course of its type to be offered in one workbook. Jean Sabrine's constant aim is to integrate the mind, spirit and body, helping the actor to discover and progressively build the organic connections between them - primarily thorugh physical movement.

Actors understand the importance of training the body to attain good breath control, movement, and agility. They must also develop the ability to express emotions when portraying characters. Less well understood, however, is the vital awareness of mind, spirit, and body that must be developed and explored in an actor's education. Movement Training for the Stage and Screen incorporates these aspects of an actor's training in a systematic course of study - in fact, the only course of its type to be offered in one workbook.

Jean Sabrine's constant aim is to integrate the mind, spirit and body, helping the actor to discover and progressively build the organic connections between them - primarily thorugh physical movement.

Actors understand the importance of training the body to attain good breath control, movement, and agility. They must also develop the ability to express emotions when portraying characters. Less well understood, however, is the vital awareness of mind, spirit, and body that must be developed and explored in an actor's education. Movement Training for the Stage and Screen incorporates these aspects of an actor's training in a systematic course of study - in fact, the only course of its type to be offered in one workbook.

Jean Sabrine's constant aim is to integrate the mind, spirit and body, helping the actor to discover and progressively build the organic connections between them - primarily thorugh physical movement.