A Lost Glitter: Letters between SA and the WA Goldfields Michael R Best
A Lost Glitter Michael R Best A Book About Genealogy & Family History Front Cover Used Secondhand Book Nonfiction
A Lost Glitter: Letters between SA and the WA Goldfields back cover used nonfiction second hand book

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A Lost Glitter: Letters between SA and the WA Goldfields

Author: Michael R Best
$10.00 1000
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Book Title
A Lost Glitter: Letters between SA and the WA Goldfields
Michael R Best
Book Condition
Book Format
1986 Wakefield Press
Year Published
Letters Between South Australia and the Western Australian Goldfields 1895 - 1897.The letters of the Deland family between the Western Australian goldfields and Gawler, South Australia, contrast the economically chancy life of the gold seekers and their support industries with the settled middle class life of South Australia.

Letters Between South Australia and the Western Australian Goldfields 1895 - 1897.

The letters of the Deland family between the Western Australian goldfields and Gawler, South Australia, contrast the economically chancy life of the gold seekers and their support industries with the settled middle class life of South Australia.

Letters Between South Australia and the Western Australian Goldfields 1895 - 1897.

The letters of the Deland family between the Western Australian goldfields and Gawler, South Australia, contrast the economically chancy life of the gold seekers and their support industries with the settled middle class life of South Australia.